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Were proud to offer you a simple but really useful tool, destined to help you follow your weight day by day. Take care of your health and lose weight carefully, according to your own individual plan. Body Shape Supervisor is a pocket diary in which youll be able to keep the fresh data about your current weight, mark your progress day by day and check the statistics for a certain period of time.

HOW TO USE: Enter your name. Enter your current weight. Then choose your target weight. Mark the changes every day and check the statistics to enjoy the progress. Dont forget to take some measures in order to start losing weight: fitness, diet, pool, sports, etc. Our app cant do this for you, it only marks your progress. Choose the necessary activities and add them to your daily schedule.

Body Shape Supervisor features:
- Pocket diary that helps you follow your weight changes
- Statistics by periods of time
- Simple minimalistic design and easy controls
- Chance to take care of your health by using the exact registered data about your weight.

Try the daily weight statistics and enjoy your progress with Body Shape Supervisor. Good luck!